I’ve tried but failed to describe our kick-ass road trip more succintly than Leslie. It was awesome, I love driving around with that girl, what can I say.
I’m sitting now in the my completely deserted office at Berkeley. All seven other students are gone at internships for the summer, five went just to pixar (seems like it’s even more hip than Google around here these days). So although it’s a bit lonely, I’ll probably have plenty of time to get distraction-free work done. My main project at the moment is to decide what I’d like to do for the next three years or so, which will hopefully be enough to keep me busy.
Other exciting stuff: Ali is visiting starting tomorrow with his new girlfriend, and this weekend I have my first weekend of paragliding lessons. I’ve been talking about it for a couple of years now so I figured it was time to actually get out there and do it. Jeff’s doing it with me, so that should also be awesome.
Other projects for the summer: German, guitar, catching up more on restaurant reviews? Who knows. I’ll keep you posted.