last post from berlin

It’s 6:11am here, and Leslie’s in the shower. The place is spotless, the better to recover the full security deposit. The last thing to get packed, of course, is the wireless router, but the time has come to snip our internet umbilical. Just 22 hours of travel stand between us and sweet, sweet home. What a summer it’s been. We’ll see you all soon.

geocoding added to gallery; also comments

I just can’t stop! The Google Maps plugin for Gallery is just too whizzy not to use. So, I’ve started adding lat/lon information to albums in gallery:

gallery geocoded

Also, I finally fixed commenting. You should see a little “add comment” thing underneath each photo, and you can also click the little icon at the top. We’ll see how spam proof this solution is…

the first overt youtube post…

That’s right, folks, I’m entering the world of 2005 right here and now: inline flash video! I felt I should do it so I could bring you the genius of The Michael Showalter Showalter:


These guys have been hit or miss since The State, but I think this is them back at the top of their game.