steak and a movie

I think I should share with all of my faithful readers the joy that is Friday in our little corner of Santa Clara, aka the Best Apartment in the World (TM).

Every week, one or both of us stop at Whole Foods for some joyous yuppie shopping at Whole Foods in Cupertino. Now that I’m working at Apple, I can just swing by on my way home (now you all know the real reason I took the job). It usually involves at least some crusty sourdough bread, some fresh veggies and cheese, and some good fish or beef or lamb. We’ve also taken to rounding things out with some over-priced Japanese beer.

We bring home our booty, maybe go exercise for a bit, then break out the food and make dinner together. It’s so simple… we just steam the veggies, broil the meat, and slice the bread. Then we collapse together on the couch for some movie or a rerun of the west wing. It’s just one of the very best things in life.

I write you now after the exercise, before the eating and couch-potating. Life is good. It’s even better because I got my first paycheck today and very soon won’t been in debt to Les any more. Also, on my way home from getting the steaks I just couldn’t resist dropping by Gamestop to pick up SSX3 (for the blissfully uninitiated, it’s the third iteration of a highly-addictive snow-boarding game that I have an extensive… um… “history” with).

So, roughly 2.2 months into this mostly-unplanned adventure, things seem to have pretty much worked out.

3 thoughts on “steak and a movie”

  1. Broil sounds so much more Whole Foodsy than cooking it on the Foreman. (;

    You’ll have to let me know how SSX3 is. Although I have a feeling they could repackage any other SSX, change the colors, and I’d still play it.

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