My ’98 Honda Civic DX hatchback, purchased used with 36k miles in 2001, just hit 100,000 miles today at the ripe old age of 14. It has been basically problem-free the entire time I’ve owned it… can we make it to 200k together?
Despite what you might think from my lapse in posting, we did make it alive to Austin and are now in the process of converting cardboard boxes full of our things to a house full of our things. You can in fact review much of the whole moving process now thanks to this great gallery album that Leslie made. Have a look!
So, we left Oakland for Austin today. Some interesting facts I learned:
We were waiting for the inspection to go through with no disasters before really getting our hopes up, and now that’s passed, so here you go: meet 506 East Monroe St., our future Austin home!
If all goes well, we close in mid July and arrive August 15th!